Monthly Archives: April 2020

Dreary Virus Days…

The end of a raw, cold April is upon us and who knows what May will bring during this crisis of Covid-19? Scary times, indeed.

What have I been up to of late? Well, it is now 5:40pm on a rainy Sunday evening, my lovely wife resides on the couch watching some program, the dogs hover near the fireplace (yes, we still have fires), and the cats are draped on various pieces of furniture.

Of late, I fear I have been drinking too much. The threat and wonder of what will transpire in the future tend to make folk fearful and filled with wonder. What will happen? How many people will die from this epidemic? Why do we, as a populace, continue to be tormented by the resident orange buffoon in the White House? The idiot should be removed, preferably in a strait-jacket never to be seen or heard from again. Make that the entire lot that holds court in that sullied building at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Christ, what a joke.

I sit here, yes, nursing a 7.2% Torpedo Sierra Nevada Extra IPA. Christ, did those do a number on me last night, along with the several shots I consumed. My Beloved informed me that I barely managed to eat even one slice of pizza, before falling in bed, naked, and finding slumber within minutes. What an embarrassment and fool. And yet here I sit, with the same beer before me. Perhaps I have a problem; or perhaps I have a problem with the virus. Strange times, indeed.

My art and writing have suffered greatly. It feels good right now to compose these words. Nothing earth-shattering, mind you, but simply pecking at keys and making all the words coherent feels good. I miss writing! As well as my art. I do have an easel set up in the basement, with a smattering of unfinished canvases strewn about, but there they sit, silent witness to my lack of interest. I cannot put a finger on it exactly. Why? Why do I forgo the two things that I enjoy? Quite odd, I must say.

Today, besides going into work on my day off for three hours (hell, a little OT helps, especially during this dilemma), I managed to fire off a few emails, wrote a piece for LinkedIn, and a note on Twitter. If I can somehow fit in the trifecta with a post to WordPress than I’d be satisfied. Well, to some degree. And here it is!

Not too much else to report, except for mentioning that my family remains healthy and happily (not really the word I was looking for) at home while I work and do all the shopping.

Now to engage my spirit in my various crafts without drinking too much nor beating myself up. It does not bode well when engaged in self-flagellation with a fine quirt in hand.

For now, all take good care, and may a modicum of calm and complete health embrace you.


Paul  ( A big shout out to my good friend, Eric Alagan. Miss you, buddy!) 🙂 :-):-)